Sunday 9 December 2012

P1: My Advert Proposal

 Task B

1.What type of trainers are you are going to advertise 

2. What specific brand and product are you going to advertise (you can make up your own brand)?

3. What ideologies are attached to the brand? (see examples below)

4. Who is going to be your primary target audience and why (consider gender, social class and lifestyle categories)? 

5. Who is going to be your secondary audience and why (other than the primary target audience who else might buy your product)?

6. Referring to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, which needs will you be targeting in the audience? 

7. Which persuasive techniques will you use in your advert to attract your audience? 

8. What colours will be dominant and why (consider your audience and product)? 

You can complete this task either as a mind map/brainstorm or a PowerPoint but not just a written answer. Use should use visual examples to support your planning.

Below are some examples done by GCSE Media Studies (not for trainers)




Before designing your advert, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Who is your target audience?

2. What age group are you aiming at?

3. What will attract people to your advert?

4. What are you going to call your product?

5. What words or information will you use to persuade people to buy your product?
6. What graphics will you use?
7. What will your slogan be?
8. Will you have a logo?  If so, what?
9. Which words will you repeat?
10. Are there any characters in your ad?
11. Will your ad have a story?
12. What magazine will your ad appear in?
13. What persuasive techniques will you use?

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