Sunday 5 January 2014


Assignment 1: Introduction to the Media Analytical Task (10 marks) Analyse two full-page Advertisements. How effective are they in selling their products?(500 words) Including explanation of own advertisement 

To analyse the advertisements you will need to think about how they make the products attractive to the audience. You should comment on:

the people who are pictured – the way they are dressed, posed, their expressions,    
      why  they have been chosen?

the copy (or writing) – how is it meant to persuade the audience How the     
      advertisements  use denotation and connotation to convey messages about the 
      products. You may also comment on:

the colours the fonts the images the backgrounds & locations any slogans
the lighting or anything else that helps to sell the product.

Use Media terminology where appropriate and show that you recognise codes and conventions. 

You will need to say something about who the audiences for the products are and decide how effective you think the advertisements are in persuading these audiences.You must write a brief explanation of how your advertisement would appeal to its target audience.

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