Tuesday 7 March 2017

Unit 2 Understanding the media

Assignment 2 – Cross Media Study – News

Research and Planning Tasks

Present your ideas for one news service across two different media platforms. Audio-visual:
1.  Ideas for the opening of a television news programme presented as a ten-frame storyboard.
2.  A mock-up design for:
• a website home page, or,
• an app for a mobile device.

The news service can be an existing one, or you can create your own unique news service for a specific target audience.
For each media platform (opening sequence, homepage or app) you will need to produce responses to the following questions as evidence of research and planning;

•    what are the typical codes and conventions of the respective media product? (Opening sequence and homepage/app)
•    what devices and techniques have been used to produce them?
•    how has the product been adapted to suit a particular platform?
•    how would the product appeal to its audience?
•    what audience might that be?
•    what images of people, groups or places are 
•    what different production processes have been required?
•    how have the texts been financed, scheduled, produced and/or distributed?
3.  You will also have to write a 200-word explanation explaining how your two media products are connected and how effective they are in supporting each other and promoting the news service.

GCSE Media Studies – Unit 2 Understanding the media

Assignment 2 – Cross Media Study – News

Research and Planning Tasks

1.    Make a list of at least six different ingredients that you think are common to most television news opening/title sequences. For example images of well known or newsworthy people.
2.    Choose from the BBC’s News at 1pm or 6pm, ITV’s News at 6.30pm or 10pm, or Channel 4’s News at 7pm.
Use BBC iPlayer, ITV Hub, All 4 or
Analyse the sequence and (use cmd+shift+4) choose up to 12 screen shots that you feel best represent the whole sequence. Paste each screen shot onto a PowerPoint slide and provide annotations that explain what each image means. (Try to use key terms such as represents, signifies and connotes).

GCSE media studies Unit 2 – Cross Media Study – News

Annotating a news homepage

Here is an annotated explanation of the key components of a news homepage

Using the same news provider for the opening/title sequence you have analysed, create an annotated analysis of their homepage. Be sure to label the various key features correctly.  You will need to explain what the function of each feature.
Your analysis should contain up to 12 frames, be fully annotated and contain all of the key website terms that you learned in your previous lesson.