Thursday, 31 December 2015

Assignment Bank 3 - Opening 2mins of A Children's Television Programme

A 120 second trailer or opening sequence (or two 60 second teaser trailers) for a feature film or television programme aimed at a specific audience.

Guidance notes
Planning and research
Candidates should plan and research their production thoroughly. Evidence of research into existing products of a similar nature and into their potential audience should be submitted, perhaps in the form of annotated analyses of existing texts, charts, surveys or questionnaires. Candidates will need to submit evidence of planning, perhaps in the form of briefs, sketches, scripts, storyboards, mock-ups, drafts, contact sheets, flat plans etc.

No more than 12 pages of material should be submitted for moderation as evidence of research and planning.

Group Size: No more than four. Each candidate to edit shared images individually

Practical Production
Moving image
For trailers and opening sequences, confidence in handling technology can be demonstrated by:
•careful framing of shots
editing appropriate to the nature of the production and audience
•evidence of consideration being given to lighting, mise-en-scene and sound.
Codes and conventions could include narration, titles, narrative clues and a selection of fast cuts of different scenes.

Final Deadline for  filming and editing (Ms Ferdinand): Thursday 28th November 2013 

Mr Roberts 11W - Deadline: Tuesday 26th November and 11Z Wednesday 27th November 2013

evaluation which should reflect upon:

Evaluation Each candidate must produce a 700–800 word

how the aims of the production have been met

the product and how these have been taken into consideration

•how the product applies appropriate codes and conventions and uses appropriate media language

•how the product represents people, places or events 
•where and when the product would be exhibited •what regulations and controls might be applied to
•the strengths and weaknesses of the product in terms of meeting the needs of its audience.

Research & Planning


Friday, 6 November 2015

P1: Planning Checker

How can I improve my plans?

Use the presentation below to help you evaluate your final plans for your advert.  

Once the controlled assessment has begun, the amount of help a teacher can give is very limited. Please speak to your teacher and even a classmate about anything you are unsure of. 

How confident are you that have the necessary skills/ practice in using Photoshop to complete your advert? If you're unsure please speak to your teacher however, I strongly advice you to  spend some of your lunchtimes and/or after school to come to the media classroom to practice using Photoshop. 

Thursday, 5 November 2015

P1:Yr10's Trainers Advert

P1:Shoe Photography

How you frame and photograph your trainers is very important and will make a real difference to the finished quality of your advert

Tip 1
The trainers you are trying to sell is the real star of your advert. It is very common for trainers (shoes), to be framed using a close up or extreme close up.

Tip 2
Another tip is to use a eye level shot (i.e. the camera is placed around the same level as the shoe), or using a slightly high or low angled shot. Whichever you chose it's important to give your reasons.
Tip 3
If you intend to have someone model your trainers, it fine to concentrate on their legs/feet- remember the trainers is the real star. Below are examples of great shoe photography. 

Tip 4
Think really carefully about what background you shot your trainers against. Having a plain background or pre planned background like a park, football; pitch or skate park will save  spending lots of time removing the background.

Tip 5
Another  way in which you can add that professional finish is to organise your trainers in a way that makes it look even more stylish and appealing

Tip 6
If your trainers are aimed at a specific sport, way not try and get an action shot. 

P1: 30 Unbelievably Awesome Print Advertising Examples

P1:Examples of Printed Adverts

Find below a collection of printed adverts targeting different audiences and using varying advertising techniques. The most successful adverts often use several advertising techniques as a way of attracting audience attention as well as appealing to their needs and desires. 

Please note that you can use the collection of adverts to inspire you but not to copy!!!