A 120 second trailer or opening sequence (or two 60 second teaser trailers) for a feature film or television programme aimed at a specific audience.
Guidance notes
Planning and research
Candidates should plan and research their production thoroughly. Evidence of research into existing products of a similar nature and into their potential audience should be submitted, perhaps in the form of annotated analyses of existing texts, charts, surveys or questionnaires. Candidates will need to submit evidence of planning, perhaps in the form of briefs, sketches, scripts, storyboards, mock-ups, drafts, contact sheets, flat plans etc.
No more than 12 pages of material should be submitted for moderation as evidence of research and planning.
Group Size: No more than four. Each candidate to edit shared images individually
Practical Production
Moving image
For trailers and opening sequences, confidence in handling technology can be demonstrated by:
•careful framing of shots
•editing appropriate to the nature of the production and audience
•evidence of consideration being given to lighting, mise-en-scene and sound.
Codes and conventions could include narration, titles, narrative clues and a selection of fast cuts of different scenes.
Final Deadline for filming and editing (Ms Ferdinand): Thursday 28th November 2013
Mr Roberts 11W - Deadline: Tuesday 26th November and 11Z Wednesday 27th November 2013
Mr Roberts 11W - Deadline: Tuesday 26th November and 11Z Wednesday 27th November 2013
evaluation which should reflect upon:
Evaluation Each candidate must produce a 700–800 word
•how the aims of the production have been met
the product and how these have been taken into consideration
•how the product applies appropriate codes and conventions and uses appropriate media language
•how the product represents people, places or events
•where and when the product would be exhibited •what regulations and controls might be applied to